Here is a picture from the girls!
Thursday, December 31, 2009
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Another day of Snow
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Nachtraeglich Frohe Weihnachten
Unser Weihnachtsfest was wieder sehr schoen. Wir haben einen echten Baum gekauft und am 24. Dez. Bescherung gehabt. Meine Familie hat mich auch dieses Jahr wieder verwoehnt. Mein Mann schenkte mir einen Mac Laptop und einen neuen Fotoapparat, und von meinen Kindern habe ich einen schoenen Korb mit allerlei Leckereien erhalten.
Und dann war da noch eine tolle Ueberraschung: Schnee am 25. Dez. Die Kids haben sich soooo sehr gefreut.
Gestern haben wir Leeanna und Tommy nach Arkansas gefahren, da sie fuer eine Woche bei ihrem Daddy bleiben. Und jetzt sind Timothy, Jason und ich alleine, und natuerlich Sally, unser Hund.
Ausserdem haben sich unsere "Orders" geaendert. Wir bleiben hier auf Whiteman Air Force Base bis August 2010. Was mich eigentlich freut, da muss mein Mann naemlich in dieser Zeit auf keinen Fall Uebersee, wie Irak oder Afghanistan.
So, das waeren dann mal wieder die neuesten Neuigkeiten. Oh ja, noch eines: Eine Freundin hat mich gefragt, was "Salvation" ist. Und da schon oefter mal so eine aehnliche Frage kam, dachte ich mir ich schreibe es einfach mal auf. Die Uebersetzung dafuer ist Erloesung von den Suenden. Sie hat mich dann gefragt wie das so geht. Und ich habe ihr ein kleines Beispiel geben koennen. Und zwar: Du hast eine unheilbare Krankheit und gehst zum Arzt. Der sagt Dir es gaebe eine neue Medizin, die diese Krankheit heilt. Du kannst ihm glauben, aber von dem Glauben wirst Du nicht gesund, du musst die Medizin annehmen und anwenden. Das gleiche passiert auch bei Salvation (Erloesung). Du kannst an Jesus glauben, bekommst aber dadurch nicht das ewige Leben. Du musst daran glauben, dass Jesus Gottes Sohn ist und fuer unsere Suenden am Kreuz gestorben ist. Du musst ihn als Deinen Erloeser annehmen und um Vergebung Deiner Suenden bitten. (Roemer 10:13). Uebrigens schreibt die Bibel, dass jeder Mensch ein Suender ist, egal wieviele gute Werke er vollbringt. Viele koennen sich nicht vorstellen, dass das so einfach ist, aber die Bibel sagt, dass man durch Werke nicht in den Himmel kommt (ewiges Leben erhaelt), (Epheser 2:8,9,10; 2.Thimotheus 1:9 ), sondern der einzige Weg ist Jesus Christus. Seit ich Jesus in meinem Leben habe, hat mein Glaube sich veraendert und ich weiss mit 100 %iger Sicherheit wo ich mein Leben nach dem Tode verbringen werde. Und das gibt mir unendlichen Frieden. Ich schreibe das alles nur, dass diejenigen von Euch, die es lesen, sich Gedanken machen, was wohl nach dem Tod kommt. Die Entscheidung bleibt jedem Menschen selbst ueberlassen.
So, und jetzt versuche ich mal noch ein paar Fotos anzuhaengen. Also, bis hoffentlich bald. Tschuess!
Friday, December 18, 2009
Almost Christmas
I am such a bad blogger. Yesterday I had time to read Carie's blog and I felt ashamed. OK, enough whining, now lets get started.
Our visit in Germany was great and we wanted to stay longer, but my husband was calling and I missed him too. Anyway, the flight back was ok, stressful but no bad accidents.... let me take that back. When I checked the luggage in, my skirt got hung on one of the suitcases, which was on the way behind the counter. A scream from the lady who checked us in, and finally she found the button to stop the convaerbelt. We did cost some attention around us and I thought, "No Lord, not another day like the one we had when we flew to Germany!"
But everything else was going smooth. Timothy was lively, but manageble.
Now, we are back to trying to live healthy, juicing in the morning. I need to eat more raw, I am just not there yet.
Tomorrow I will have a Christmas Party for the Ladies from church in our house. Everything went well, but guess what.. Tommy was complaining over a sore throat, and now he is running a fever. I pray that it will be better by tomorrow.
Looking back, the Lord has been good to us, a new baby, healthy family, great churchfamily and many great friends. And my parents are doing well too, Thank you Lord!
I will try to attach some photos from Germany. Hope it works. I am not so good at this... YET.
Monday, November 30, 2009
Vacation almost over
Oh my, where has the time gone. It is monday, and in only 9 days we will be flying back to the States again. Hopefully with more peace and less trouble. We really enjoyed the time with my family. I do miss my husband though. We still have not heard about our new dutystation. We even found out that USAREC has not released us yet. Maybe God allows us to stay here for the rest of the 3 years. Wouldn´t heard my feelings. And I know the kids would love it. And, of course the best of all : Jason would not deploy again for the rest of the recruiting time. Which means no separation. Well, we will see what God´s plan is for us.
Salvation, what is that... A wonderful wise woman has explained it this way: If you have a serious sickness and the doctor tells you about a great new drug, you can believe him, but only believing in the drug will not cure you. You have to accept the drug to be healed. It is the same with Jesus. Only believing in Him doesn´t save you from hell. You have to know that you are a sinner ( sick ), believe that He is the son of God and you have to ask Him to save you, be your savior (accept Him ). It is that simple, and yet, people don´t want Him in their lives, or they don´t believe in Him. Are they not scared of the life after death? I believe what the Bible says about the lake of fire. It is terrible, and I pray for my friends and family to spend eternity with God.
By the way, I got highlights in my hair today. The brown hair started to be boring and didn´t look good. I want my blonde back. Poohoo.
OH, did I mention that my little girl had her 12. birthday last Saturday the 21. of November? She is getting sooo big. And Timothy is now 13 month old. Her birthday was great. We even made a nightwalk in the vinyards with torches. And then grilled bratwurst out there. It was fun. I love you, my big little girl!
Salvation, what is that... A wonderful wise woman has explained it this way: If you have a serious sickness and the doctor tells you about a great new drug, you can believe him, but only believing in the drug will not cure you. You have to accept the drug to be healed. It is the same with Jesus. Only believing in Him doesn´t save you from hell. You have to know that you are a sinner ( sick ), believe that He is the son of God and you have to ask Him to save you, be your savior (accept Him ). It is that simple, and yet, people don´t want Him in their lives, or they don´t believe in Him. Are they not scared of the life after death? I believe what the Bible says about the lake of fire. It is terrible, and I pray for my friends and family to spend eternity with God.
By the way, I got highlights in my hair today. The brown hair started to be boring and didn´t look good. I want my blonde back. Poohoo.
OH, did I mention that my little girl had her 12. birthday last Saturday the 21. of November? She is getting sooo big. And Timothy is now 13 month old. Her birthday was great. We even made a nightwalk in the vinyards with torches. And then grilled bratwurst out there. It was fun. I love you, my big little girl!
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Vacation in Germany
Finally we made it to Germany. The trip was rough on all of us. Let me see, if I can remember the details:
Jason took us to the Kansas City Airport, they made us problems, because the name on the ticket said Gohn, but my Passport has still my old name. They called the Airline to change the name and after 1 hour passed gave us the boardingpasses, letting us know that we have to get new passes when in Canada. After Jason left Timothy fell on his face and busted the inside of his upper lip. Bleeding on himself and me. Finally we got seated on the plane. I had an empty seat beside me and let Timothy sit there. He wanted to walk around, but they didn´t let him. So... he cried, almost the whole 2 hours off and on. Everytime he started again, he started bleeding again. Great! When we landed I told the people around us sorry, but they were nice and we were the center of attention, nice and very friendly attention. Finally in Canada we had to go through Customs, where a very strict officer asked me if I had a permission from the kids dad to take them out of the country. I denied ( being never asked that before ). Then he questioned Leeanna if her dad knew where she was. after getting our stamp we were sent to another officer, who asked the same questions. Finally they gave us new boarding passes. Now keep in mind, we had only 1.5 hours inbetween flights. Running up an elevator, down a hall, I realized that I had lost my new boarding passes. Frantically I ran to an officer and asked him, if he would watch my kids for me so I could run back and look for them. He told me to go to a booth nearby, they would give me new ones. We finally made it to the flight, just in time. The 8 hour flight was ok. Timothy went to sleep almost immediately, but since I didn´t have time to change his diaper, he pieed all over me. The rest of the trip was ok. I was beat I may want to add.
But now we enjoy our time here in Germany. Went shopping already. So, that was a brief overview of our flight.
Jason took us to the Kansas City Airport, they made us problems, because the name on the ticket said Gohn, but my Passport has still my old name. They called the Airline to change the name and after 1 hour passed gave us the boardingpasses, letting us know that we have to get new passes when in Canada. After Jason left Timothy fell on his face and busted the inside of his upper lip. Bleeding on himself and me. Finally we got seated on the plane. I had an empty seat beside me and let Timothy sit there. He wanted to walk around, but they didn´t let him. So... he cried, almost the whole 2 hours off and on. Everytime he started again, he started bleeding again. Great! When we landed I told the people around us sorry, but they were nice and we were the center of attention, nice and very friendly attention. Finally in Canada we had to go through Customs, where a very strict officer asked me if I had a permission from the kids dad to take them out of the country. I denied ( being never asked that before ). Then he questioned Leeanna if her dad knew where she was. after getting our stamp we were sent to another officer, who asked the same questions. Finally they gave us new boarding passes. Now keep in mind, we had only 1.5 hours inbetween flights. Running up an elevator, down a hall, I realized that I had lost my new boarding passes. Frantically I ran to an officer and asked him, if he would watch my kids for me so I could run back and look for them. He told me to go to a booth nearby, they would give me new ones. We finally made it to the flight, just in time. The 8 hour flight was ok. Timothy went to sleep almost immediately, but since I didn´t have time to change his diaper, he pieed all over me. The rest of the trip was ok. I was beat I may want to add.
But now we enjoy our time here in Germany. Went shopping already. So, that was a brief overview of our flight.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Sunday, November 1, 2009
Sunday Afternoon
OK, just a little note for my faithful blog followers, we still have no news. Poohoo. Well, it will be soon enough, I hope. We had a great evening at the Piper's house yesterday. Kids and adults enjoyed the huge bonfire and the hayride. Also the smores and hot dogs. It is great to have a loving church. Timothy liked it as well, was not even scared of the fire. OK, it is time to go to church. Hope everyone will have a great week. So long.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Happy Birthday!
What a surprise, a candle!
Even without the icing it was good.

A bottle with freshly juiced apple, carrotte and cucumber juice. Mhhhh
I can't believe Timothy is already one year old. Where has the time gone? It seems like the days are racing by. Do I sound sad? No, I am not. It has been a great year with our new little blessing. He is walking and into everythink, including the toilette. Yup.
I made a cake for him yesterday, which was his first "sweet" since birth. Well, it was not tooooo unhealthy, I baked Carie's recipe of the carotte cake, with freshly grinded whole wheat flour, raw sugar (less than the recipe called for) and on his side (very small side) was no icing. He like it anyway.
We are still trying to live healthy, juice in the morning, walks everyday and apples and peanutbutter for snack during school. I am not buying anything hydrogenated and we use coconutoil for cooking. I also try to eat vegetables, as we can affort to buy them.
By the way, we still don't know where we are going next. Sina, my niece is praying that the Lord' will for us is to be stationed in Colorade (which would be great). She told me her conversation with the Lord. It was too cute. Let's see how it will turn out.
Anyway, there is a lot of sickness going around. I pray that we won't catch any of it. We are flying to Germany in only 13 days. We can not afford any sicknesses.
There is not much more I can add. So I will call it a day! Hope everyone is having a good week. Oh one more thing, we are having a garagesale Saturday, please let the weather be nice.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
New Thoughts
Timothy finally took a little nap.
After reading Carie's blog I realize how bad I keep up with mine. Of couse my life is not nearly as interesting as Carie's. But I should try harder. There just seems not enough time in my daily life.
Leeanna and Tommy are in Texas for a week, and Timothy and I are by our lonesome self. Missionsconference is coming up. We start out with an International Dinner on Saturday. Of course I am signed up for German Food. I will cook Bratwurst, Sauerkraut and Mashed Potatoes. The dessert is Apfelspeise. Yummy.
A good friend of mine is coming to Missouri on Saturday to visit us for 2 days. Linda is a Missionary to Germany, and she is on deputation. I am excited to see her.
Life is keeping me busy. And still I am having a little dream of having another baby. We will see. I leave it up to my husband and of course to God. He knows what we can handle.
We still don't know where we are going next. It is a little frustrating. Slowly I get used to the idea of moving, still nervous about another deplyment coming up. I enjoyed the 19 month of having my husband home every night, but I am glad for Jason. This recruiting has sucked the life out of him.
Liz, a dear friend of mine, her kiddos, Timothy and I went shopping yesterday. I highly enjoyed it. We hit 3 thriftstores and found cute skirts and shirts. Yea, got to stay in the budget.
We are still trying to live healthier, more veggies and reading labels. It is unbelievable what stuff is in all the food. No wonder people have so many healthproblems. We also try not to use plastic. I found a german toy made out of wood and safe paint for Timothy yesterday. Now I don't have to worry him chewing on it.
Well, got to go. Lots of things need to get done... baking bread, laundry, cleaning,....
Sunday, September 27, 2009
Sunday Afternoon
Leeanna loved the wild rides. Lots of wind, lots of high waves.
Timothy and his Papa on the motorcycle
I have not have time to work on my blog. I started to give German lessons at the Homeschool COOP in Warrensburg every Thursday, and school has been a challenge for the 3 of us. Leeanna's lessons are taking till late afternoon and Tommy has a lot more to do than the grade before. In the midst of all of that little Timothy wants his part. So life is a little challenging right now. On top of it we still don't know where the Army is sending us. Last we heard is that we won't know anything for a while until an Army unit needs us ( so to speak ). Very discouraging. Do we go overseas? Then I need to do a garage sale and sell .... .lots of things. Do we stay stateside? Then I still need to do a garage sale and sell some things. But in the midst of this I know that my God is still in control, and I pray that He will send us where He sees it fit. Hey, as long as I have a good church and I can homeschool, and my kids will find some new friends... I am as happy as a pig in new mud.
I will still miss Missouri, though. We had great times here and wonderful friends. Well, got to go, need to work on a quiz for my german lessons.
A few weeks ago we went to the Lake of The Ozarks for a weekend. It was so much fun. Our first family outing after a long time. We stayed at the Hotel Four Seasons for free. Yup. And we rented a motorboat from Base. It was wonderful.
Hope whoever stops by leaves a little comment for me. ;)
Sunday, August 23, 2009
One more week
Only one more week to go and I will pick up my kids from their dad's. Jippie.
I just talked to a dear friend of mine, Anne-Marie on the phone. They are in South Korea. She is doing good, but - Heck - I miss them. I wished they could have stayed. We always enjoyed visiting with them, going for walks and drinking coffee, eating cake. There are many friendships throughout a lifetime, but not everyone makes a difference in your life. I had and still have wonderful friendships that I can reflect upon. God sends us friends for different reasons, some stay for a lifetime, some only for a little while, for a season. But each friendship gives us something special. Anne-Marie is one of them special ones. I hated to see her go. This is one thing that I dislike about being in the Military, leaving friends behind.
We still don't know where we will PCS next. All I know is that God is in control, and this gives me peace and comfort.
Leeanna is having a hard time moving away this time. She found wonderful friends here. Tommy doesn't say much. He will when the time of leaving comes closer. Well, I don't like it myself, but better moving than being separated from my husband for another year. Iraq was hard enough.
Now it is time for bed, dreaming about my children being home again.
I just talked to a dear friend of mine, Anne-Marie on the phone. They are in South Korea. She is doing good, but - Heck - I miss them. I wished they could have stayed. We always enjoyed visiting with them, going for walks and drinking coffee, eating cake. There are many friendships throughout a lifetime, but not everyone makes a difference in your life. I had and still have wonderful friendships that I can reflect upon. God sends us friends for different reasons, some stay for a lifetime, some only for a little while, for a season. But each friendship gives us something special. Anne-Marie is one of them special ones. I hated to see her go. This is one thing that I dislike about being in the Military, leaving friends behind.
We still don't know where we will PCS next. All I know is that God is in control, and this gives me peace and comfort.
Leeanna is having a hard time moving away this time. She found wonderful friends here. Tommy doesn't say much. He will when the time of leaving comes closer. Well, I don't like it myself, but better moving than being separated from my husband for another year. Iraq was hard enough.
Now it is time for bed, dreaming about my children being home again.
Sunday, August 9, 2009
New pictures
Here are a few new pics. We had a good Sunday. Junior church went great. by the way, yesterday, August the 8th was our fifth anniversary. We had 5 great years. I am excited about the next 50.
Tomorrow is a townhall meeting that I will attend. A representative of our Missouri Senator will be there to answer questions and concerns. Wow, she will hear quiet a few about the Obama Healthcare bill. It will be very interesting!
Saturday, August 8, 2009
OK, we took Leeanna and Tommy to see their dad for 3 weeks. I miss them already. Other than that there is not much going on. I am slowly getting used to my new haircolor. Tommy can't wait for it to grow out and my blonde to show back up again. He likes me blonde.
Tomorrow I am starting to teach the 5-7 year olds in Junior church for the next 4 weeks. Jason will be my helper. It will be good to work together like we did in our "old" church in Oklahoma.
Tomorrow I am starting to teach the 5-7 year olds in Junior church for the next 4 weeks. Jason will be my helper. It will be good to work together like we did in our "old" church in Oklahoma.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Another beautiful day
We had a good day, Timothy is feeling better. A little fever this morning, but no signs of headinjuries. Praise God. I know He protected my little sweetheart.
We started school about 3 weeks ago. Tommy and Leeanna are doing great. I am so proud of all 3. Tommy has matured quite a bit. Timothy knows his first sign language, shaking his head for Nein, Nein, which is german for No, No. And he can clap his hands to Patty Cake. And is sooo proud of himself. I am very blessed with a great family, loving, caring and God-oriented. Makes me wonder, why so many women try to find fulfillment outside the home. I have learned that it is mainly our part to make our house a home, a safe haven.
Well, that is all for today. Time to hit the bed...
We started school about 3 weeks ago. Tommy and Leeanna are doing great. I am so proud of all 3. Tommy has matured quite a bit. Timothy knows his first sign language, shaking his head for Nein, Nein, which is german for No, No. And he can clap his hands to Patty Cake. And is sooo proud of himself. I am very blessed with a great family, loving, caring and God-oriented. Makes me wonder, why so many women try to find fulfillment outside the home. I have learned that it is mainly our part to make our house a home, a safe haven.
Well, that is all for today. Time to hit the bed...
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Sunday- accident
Not a good day, we had an accident that shook us up. Timothy fell out of Jason's pick-up today after church. His head is pretty scratched up, but he seemed to be alright. Then just before I was ready to leave for church (Jason was supposed to stay home with him tonight, for I had nursery duty) he started to run a low temperature. Because he was fussy and wanted me we changed plans. Now I am here, hoping his temp. won't rise, which would mean another trip to the ER. I pray that it will be ok. God is good. I trust in Him.
Friday, July 24, 2009
Almost weekend
This is Friday and tomorrow we will be heading out to Iowa. It has been a while since Jason's family has seen Timothy. We will be staying at his uncles place out in the woods. Lots of running place for the kids.
Timothy is almost 9 month old. Only a few more days. Oh my, time runs so fast. His buddy Jackson already hit his 9 month mark. Well, at least we (Timothy) got one tooth more than Jackson. LOL
Here are a few pictures of my loved ones. Gotta love em!!!!!!!!!!!!
Thursday, July 23, 2009
Praise God
God is good!!!!!!!!! I went to the clinic today. Timothy's ears are clear, x-ray showed no signs of bronchitis, and the ultrasound of Tommy's belly showed that his liver is normal and not enlarged. Thank you Lord!
Right now, I am listening to a webcast "Stop the abortion". It is very sad what they do to babies. The great thing is that over 30.000 people are listening tonight. That is encouraging.
Motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me, after being saved. Guess, not every woman feels that way. How sad!
Right now, I am listening to a webcast "Stop the abortion". It is very sad what they do to babies. The great thing is that over 30.000 people are listening tonight. That is encouraging.
Motherhood is the best thing that ever happened to me, after being saved. Guess, not every woman feels that way. How sad!
Tuesday, July 21, 2009
sick babies
Oh my, what a week. First Tommy was sick with a fever, then baby Timothy came down with bronchitis. I had to take him to the ER on Monday night, closer Tuesday morning 4 AM. He is doing better, being on Antibiotics. Everone who knows me knows how much I hate giving medicine to my kiddos. But in this case I felt it was necessary. He could hardly breath, coughed like a barking dog. It was pittyful.
Well, lets see... I took Tommy to the doc on base because of his tummyache that seems to appear every week and sometimes every day. They did an X-ray and took some blood. Result: Enlarged liver and a collon that goes zick-zack. Also his stomach is smaller than it should be. Now I know why he doesn't eat much at a time. Anyways, we have to see a doc in Warrensburg tomorrow morning to get an ultrasound done. And with all of that we have to visit Children's Mercy in Kansas City to see a specialist. I pray that everything will be easy to fix. God has always been good to us, and I know that He is still in charge.
Well, other than that we have not heard where we will be going next, what duty station will be blessed with our presence. LOL.
I am doing better with eating healthy (Hint, Carie).
I guess that is it for today. Hope the night will be peaceful - no crying baby.
Well, lets see... I took Tommy to the doc on base because of his tummyache that seems to appear every week and sometimes every day. They did an X-ray and took some blood. Result: Enlarged liver and a collon that goes zick-zack. Also his stomach is smaller than it should be. Now I know why he doesn't eat much at a time. Anyways, we have to see a doc in Warrensburg tomorrow morning to get an ultrasound done. And with all of that we have to visit Children's Mercy in Kansas City to see a specialist. I pray that everything will be easy to fix. God has always been good to us, and I know that He is still in charge.
Well, other than that we have not heard where we will be going next, what duty station will be blessed with our presence. LOL.
I am doing better with eating healthy (Hint, Carie).
I guess that is it for today. Hope the night will be peaceful - no crying baby.
Sunday, July 12, 2009
Zurueck vom Familien Camp
Letzte Woche auf Camp war super. Leeanna, Tommy, Timothy und ich hatten viel Spass mit anderen Freunden. Ausserdem haben wir eine Menge anderer Leute kennen gelernt. Jeden Morgen und am Abend hatten wir Gottesdienst und Gott hat uns gezeigt, was wir besser machen koennen.
Zuerst hat es eine Puppenshow gegeben, die nicht nur den Kindern gefallen hat, danach gab es Spiele, Jungs gegen Maedels. Manche Leute glauben, dass einmal die Woche genug ist, in die Kirche zu gehen. Ist es wirklich genug 1 Std die Woche Gott zu witmen? Hat er nicht mehr verdient? Mir macht es jedenfalls Freude das Wort Gottes zu hoeren, und mehr von Ihm zu lernen.
Wir haben natuerlich auch Sport getrieben (war Zeit fuer mich faules Ei). Jeder konnte waehlen zwischen Volleyball, Fussball, Hufeisen werfen, Kanu fahren usw. Calvary Baptist Church hat dieses Jahr sogar den Championship in Volleyball gewonnen, und ja... ich war im Team. Juhu, habe aber seitdem ein blaues Ei am Handballen, Puhu.
Jedenfalls hat Gott mir auch gezeigt, dass es einen Grund gibt, dass Jason bald kein Rekruter mehr ist. Ich verstehe es zwar noch nicht, habe aber seitdem meinen Frieden deswegen.
Gestern haben unsere Freunde, die Means uns besucht, und gingen mit uns heute frueh zur Kirche. Leider mussten sie nach dem Mittagessen schon wieder fort.
Oh, ich habe meine Haare gefaerbt. Jap, eigentlich wollte ich dunkelblond, aber im Moment habe ich dunkelbraun-roetliche Haare. Ich werde versuchen ein paar Fotos anzuhaengen.
Thursday, July 2, 2009
4th of July coming up
2 more days and another 4th of July, with food, fun and friends. Not to forget the fireworks. I am really looking forward to that. We invited 2 wonderful families to celebrate with us. Sad to say but this time I won't go to a TEA party (taxed enough already party). I hope that a lot more people will show up this time.
Well, I got good news, Timothy sleeps in his own bed now. At least he goes to sleep there (in Tommy's room). He still wakes up at night to eat. Which is ok, I just bring him to our bed and let him finish out the night. He is such a sweetheart, what can I say, just another blessing from our wonderful Creator.
Well, time to go to bed. Oh one more thing, our pool got pushed against our rockpillars and has an ugly cut in the wall. Needless to say that the water ran out. Now Jason has to patch it and set it up again. Poo.
Well, I got good news, Timothy sleeps in his own bed now. At least he goes to sleep there (in Tommy's room). He still wakes up at night to eat. Which is ok, I just bring him to our bed and let him finish out the night. He is such a sweetheart, what can I say, just another blessing from our wonderful Creator.
Well, time to go to bed. Oh one more thing, our pool got pushed against our rockpillars and has an ugly cut in the wall. Needless to say that the water ran out. Now Jason has to patch it and set it up again. Poo.
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Another day closer to having my kids back
Good Morning. My day started with a walk with Timothy and Sally, my dog, and before that we had some fresh pressed juice (are you proud of me, Carie?). Jason's first day at work yesterday went well. After our walk and reading my emails I got on the phone with my 2 Senators, and tried to call the White House (busy signal) and the Ambassador Rice. What a mess we are in, now they want to join the UN treaty - the Rights of the Child. Which means we would give up more and more of our Freedom. I was never into Politics until now. I may not make a difference, but at least I tried.
OK, I worked on my blog all day (almost) yesterday to put on a slideshow of my photes. Finally I got it but now I lost my template, which means my blog looks really boring. Help! ;)
OK, I worked on my blog all day (almost) yesterday to put on a slideshow of my photes. Finally I got it but now I lost my template, which means my blog looks really boring. Help! ;)
Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Another hot day
2 old friends, wrecked out together!
Oh what a wonderful day, Timothy and Jackson on their way to the Mall in Independence.

Timothy and his Pa are relaxing on the swing

Another good friend, Jacob, born April 27, 2009

I hope everyone is having a great day, stay out of the heat. ;)
Timothy and his Pa are relaxing on the swing
Another good friend, Jacob, born April 27, 2009
Good Morning, it will be hot again.... Anyway, let me just jot down a few thoughts. After reading the blog of a very dear friend of mine (Liz, that is you) it occured to me that I don't spend enough time on my blog. By the way, Liz is my diaper-buddy from the South. Clothdiapers that is. She is also my Amish-fan friend. Liz is married to an Air-Force-man and is the mother of 2 cuddly little boys. Jackson, the baby, is Timothy's best buddy, he is 10 days older. Liz is the one who got me started on blog. I am still not good at it, poohoo.
By the way, today is Jason's first day back at work after his surgery. I pray that he will be okay.
The other blog-friend, who inspires me a lot, especially when it comes to healthy eating and natural childbirth, is Carie. She reminded me than I need to write updates about Jason's recovery. Carie is the mom of 5 sweet children, my kids best friends, and the wife of an Army-officer. They are missionaries to Mexico as of next year. Poohoo, I will miss them. If you are a prayer warrior, please put them on your prayer list. I know they would appreciate it.
The third one in the group of bloggers is Kelly, mom of 3 handsome boys and the wife of an Air-Force-officer. She is also a fan of the Amish-store. I am sorry that she has to leave. But that is Military life. I guess.... One thing is for sure, the Lord will always be with us, no matter how often we have to move.
A thought for the day: Life is too short and precious to live for self. Live everyday as it would be the last one, live it in the presence of God. I am reading a wonderful book, written by Elizebeth George, "A woman after God's own heart". It is very inspiring.
Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward Psalm 127:3
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. I Peter 3:1-2
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation. I Peter 1:15
Nevertheless let every one of you in particular so love his wife even as himself; and the wife see that she reverence her husband. Ephesians 5:33
Likewise, ye wives, be in subjection to your own husbands; that, if any obey not the word, they also may without the word be won by the conversation of the wives. While they behold your chaste conversation coupled with fear. I Peter 3:1-2
But as he which hath called you is holy, so be ye holy in all manner of conversation. I Peter 1:15
I hope everyone is having a great day, stay out of the heat. ;)
Well, I guess these are more than just a few thoughts. LOL
Monday, June 22, 2009
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