Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Looks like I am getting better in keeping up with my blog. I just read Carie's blog, which included a letter from Sam. He is in Mexico helping a church in their ministry. Please pray for them, for their safety and their missions work down in Mexico. Their family is very dear to my family and me.
Jason told us yesterday that his retirement may come up as soon as June next year. It is a little scary, but we know that God is in control. Now the question is: Where does God want us to live and serve? I wished again that HE would write letters or emails. We do want HIS perfect will. I like Colorado because I am close to Sina, my niece, but I also like Missouri because of our friends and church. Well, I trust that God will show Jason the way. Guess it will also depend on where he can find a good job.